Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 2:17:39 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The Pedalburg FOrest-- the place where Zachary's message said to meet sent to his Poketeh. He and Dizzy, came there, intending to meet Shalin. She was the friendly and upbeat ranger whom Josh referred and had gotten to know, who acted to help Zachary deal with his fear of bugs and bug pokemon. [break][break] A work in progress. However, he was coming along well. He wasn't afraid as much with the pokemon he caught who were bug types. [break][break] Either way, this was more of a social visit to meet the rather enigmatic ranger. She had wanted to meet a certain pokemon that she heard from his Gym Challenge with . Either she saw him in person or saw a video of the race. Either way, she sent a rather excited message wanting to meet him. [break][break] Zachary navigated through the forest with Dizzy with him, the Delphox moving through the foilage with Zachary. "Shalin? Where are you!" Zachary shouted through the trees-- till he found a clearing where Shalin was. [break][break] He would of had said Pokemon out-- but, given the thick forest it may of not been wise to bring out the requested pokemon till they were in an open area. Oddly she seemed uber excited to meet his little speed demon. [break][break] Zachary held an artistic style Pokeball-- marked with the symbol VII on it indicating his reference to the Tarot-- The Chariot. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,900 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 3:05:39 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
When Zachary poked his head through the thick woods after reaching Petalburg Plateau, he would catch sight of many of the Captain's Pokémon roaming its vast grounds. Her bug Pokémon were present, but at a great distance. Hearing the young man's cry, her eight Shiny Eeveelutions, all but the green Espeon wearing saddles, sounded cries before Endry pointed her feelers toward Shalin. She was by the plateau's small lake where her water Pokémon were frolicking.

Shalin herself was not far from its shores, seated on the back of an Alolan Ninetales. Purposefully not wearing her Sygna Suit, she wanted to fight Letheia with her own strength, like she did with when she caught the fairy-type in the first place. Hooking the vulpine's reins at the end of her saddle, Shalin buried her hands in the Pokémon's cold fur. "Alright, Letheia! Buck 'em!" she enthusiastically chirped.

And buck Shalin the Ninetales did. Not wasting any time, she pranced around the shore, feigning anger as she kicked back and forth as fiercely as a Blaze Breed Tauros. She reared high, then abruptly shifted her weight forward, hurling her rear legs skyward in a nasty-looking kick.

{PC: 1}

NOTE: All of Shalin's Pokémon are present somewhere on the vast Romping Grounds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 2:23:09 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The moment they passed through the trees-- Zachary was startled by the sight of Shalin's Beedril flying by. Zachary jumped and fell back on his butt, making Dizzy frown at Zachary's jump-scare reaction to the bug Pokemon. [break][break] The area was much bigger than Zachary's small berry grove. He saw a large lake ahead of them, carrying all kinds of water pokemon, as the fields before them held other types-- all belonging to Shalin. [break][break] And there she was-- riding a beautiful white Ninetails! An alola Ninetails of all things. It was beautiful and elegant---[break][break] Till he saw the Ninetails start to buck and try to shake Shalin off. The scene was so odd and not-so-graceful as Ninetails were likely to be. Even Dizzy looked on, thinking the trainer was a bit crazy in the head. [break][break] The scene was quite violent and Zachary was stunned a bit. After a pause, Zachary stopped and called out to shalin. He held up his hands and shout loud so she could hear him. "Um, SHALIN! HEEEEY! " Zachary called out, to grasp her attention. "We're here! Didn't you wanted to see one of my Pokemon from my Gym Challenge with Josh or something?!" [break][break] As she would get off-- or potentially thrown off from the violent seeming Ninetails, Zachary took out the Pokeball marked by VII. He tossed it up to the air happily. [break][break] "Hermes, time to shine!" [break][break] The pokeball released its light and out appeared the Alola Raichu Hermes! The big raichu gave a happy cheer as he greeted everyone, still astride its floating big tail. He was already boasting, sticking his chest out as if he was the toughest pokemon among them and expecting an applause. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,900 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 5:15:31 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin let out a loud whoop at the top of the kick, looking like she was having the time of her life as she was yanked about on the fox's back. How were her arms and legs not on fire from the stress of each heave? The harder Letheia flailed, the more entertained she seemed to be, even throwing bursts of AGILITY into the mix. With a loud cry, the Ninetales crouched before flinging her back upwards in a spinning jump that left Shalin dazed for a few seconds after landing. "Wheeeee-hee-hee!!" she exhaled, the rodeo ride over. "You don't disappoint, Letheia!"

With that misadventure over, she at last greeted the blue-haired trainer. "Zachary!" she weakly waved. "Is that an Alolan Raichu?!" she gasped. "He's huge! Like the ones you'd find out of a Distortion."

{PC: 2}

NOTE: All of Shalin's Pokémon are present somewhere on the vast Romping Grounds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 14:14:44 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Both Zachary , Dizzy and Hermes saw as the woman was thrown off the Alola Ninetails. It wasn't a surprise that Shalin was knocked on her ass from all that. "Um... I'm starting to think you don't have all your cards for a full deck," Zachary commented softly. Dizzy gave a small whimper in equal concern. [break][break] At the sight of Hermes, Shalin got all excited. She commented how huge he was, as if from a distortion? Hermes and Zachary exchanged looks, not sure if he was from such a distortion. He was large enough to put Zachary on his tail and ride with him. "Um... maybe," Zachary said, but in the end wasn't sure. He just shrugged his shoulders at that. [break][break] As Shalin gawked at Hermes, the electric mouse began to pose, showing off. He clearly liked the attention and now was giving Shalin a show as he gave then a kick-off and flip in the air on his tail. A little trick to show off with a smile.[break][break] Dizzy just rolled his eyes in silence, not caring for Hermes showmanship. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,900 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 21:21:59 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"...That's one way to put it," Shalin sheepishly replied as she got to her feet, giving the now-calm Alolan Ninetales a hug. "But I'm okay! I love it, Letheia loves it, and it's a lot of fun! That's how I caught her a couple years ago - by riding her!" It was one thing to do what she did with a tamed Pokémon that knew her limits. It was another to sit on a wild Pokémon's back and "battle" it by holding on for dear life.

She really was a different kind of crazy, wasn't she?

Once she had recovered, she noticed the Pokémon before her performing crazy tricks. "This must have been the Pokémon Josh recommended for me. Hermes must be one wild ride."

{PC: 3}

NOTE: All of Shalin's Pokémon are present somewhere on the vast Romping Grounds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 14:30:17 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



As they all calmed down and things mellowed out-- for the moment-- the Alola Ninetails Letheia finally composed itself as most ninetails would. As her trainer and Zachary conversed surrounding the Alola Ninetails Zachary brought, the lovely ninetails took interest in Zachary's Delphox. It gazed at Dizzy from her distance, finding him rather upright and regal too in his own way. Curious and liking him, the nintails slowly approached the part of the clearing where the fox was. The ninetails soon gave a soft bark to Dizzy, greeting him. Dizzy cocked his head, curious by her approach. [break][break] As the two foxes got to know one another-- Zachary looked as Shalin founded over Hermes. Without even hesitating, the Alola Raichu floated up to Shalin and began to rub against her like an affectionate pet. The mention of a 'wild ride' made his little cheeks turn red in embarrassment. [break][break] "Um... Hermes, what's going on in that little head of yours?" Zachary questioned, just wondering why Hermes was so taken. In truth, he loved to be fawned over by the ladies and naturally Shalin was a very pretty trainer too. Hermes had no problem cozying up to her. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,900 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 6:52:24 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
LEtheia made small talk with Dizzy, trying to get to know the Delphox better as she was still recovering from the ferocious thrashing she gave Shalin in a real-looking, but still playful, rodeo. Hermes seemed impressed by something she did. With the psychic-type being more intelligent than most Pokémon, she tried to communicate with him, even if he couldn't talk back.

"You must have been really impressed by Letheia's little show, huh?" Shalin asked, gently rubbing the part of the electric Pokémon's back where she intended to sit, given the chance... provided he allowed so, of course. "You look really nimble yourself... and so sweet!" she added, looking like she could embrace with Zachary's Pokémon at any moment.

{PC: 4}

NOTE: All of Shalin's Pokémon are present somewhere on the vast Romping Grounds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 2:20:13 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Shalin's petting enraptured Hermes. He let out pleasant 'purrs' or something close, as he leaned into her touch. Already his little head was going how great it was for the woman to just snuggle him like a marshmallow plush or something else , praising him. [break][break] At Shalin's comment, about being fast and sweet-- one could practically see hearts in Raichu's eyes. [break][break] "Oh brother..." Zachary rolled his eyes and shrugged. [break][break] Meanwhile while this chaos was about to spiral out the moment that Shalin decided to do something reckless to Hermes-- Dizzy stood besides the Alola Ninetails. The white beautiful fox didn't seem to get Dizzy's full attention beyond a greeting. However, she really was drawn to Dizzy. In an act of affection, the white fox soon stepped closer and nudged her head against Dizzy's more smaller form. The Delphox looked on, a bit puzzled by that. Dizzy took a small step away from her-- only for the female Ninetails to scoot closer, and nuzzle him again. [break][break]Zachary caught on to this and soon looked to see Dizzy, his fur a touch brighter red than normal. "Dizzy, something up?" he asked. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 16:45:45 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Letheia looked more concerned for Shalin, the nuzzling more to draw Dizzy's attention there than to focus on the Alolan Ninetales. Yes, the ice fox was strong, but Hermes looked to be on a totally different level.

Could the psychic rat actually unseat Shalin? The eccentric captain was one to find out by doing.

With excitement thumping from within her, she gently rubbed Hermes' back, right where one would sit on a Kantonian Raichu, before clinging to it and mounting up. If this Raichu was as rambunctious and energetic as Josh described, it would be a true challenge for her. One she looked forward to.

{PC: 5}

NOTE: All of Shalin's Pokémon are present somewhere on the vast Romping Grounds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 2:34:51 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



All the while, Shalin's Ninetails took things to the next step and soon brushed her head against Dizzy, letting out a soft coo of affection to the fire Delphox. Dizzy flinched, his light fur suddenly adding a new shade of red to his cheeks. [break][break] Letheia seemed to had a crush on Dizzy, and was being very froward with wanting to be closer to him. Of course, Dizzy, being the more reserved-- was caught completely off guard by the loving head-bump. [break][break] Zachary caught it and couldn't help but snicker. He tried to cover his mouth but he couldn't hide his laughter. "Ooooh, Dizzy! Are things about to get steamy between you two? Ahahaha!" Zachary laughed, unable to hold it in anymore. [break][break] Dizzy barked Zachary, flame starting to burn off his fur from his embarrassment and annoyance at his trainer's words. [break][break] Of course, Letheia wasn't afraid as she gave a small huff of cold air-- squelching it as she continued to nuzzle Dizzy. [break][break] Meanwhile, Hermes figured the lovely lady trainer was gonna hug him, squeeze him, say loving sweet things into his ear at how amazing he was... [break][break] ... and didn't expect the sudden change of weight as the girl hopped onto his back and sat on him. [break][break]"RAAAII?!" Hermes cried as he nearly lost his balance off his levitating tail! Normally his tail held the weight of most, even when Zachary rode him. However, Shalin just jumped right on his back as if he was a horse, or other kind of mount. The sheer shift made him drop his 'altitidue' from the weight. [break][break] Shalin probably saw this coming, but soon Hermes let out a cry and started to zoom! He raced around, trying to get the girl to get off his back as he flew across the field. [break][break] Zachary looked in shock as he saw Hermes try to dislodge the overly eager woman. "Shalin! Stop! I REALLY DON'T THINK HERMES LIKES THAT!!" Zachary cried, hearing Hermes cries of disapproval as he flew across the field. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 h1"]font:800 18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 h2"]font:800 16px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .text b"]font:bold 12px Montserrat;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 1:35:45 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Hermes' cry was loud and agitated. Why, then, did Josh suggest Shalin hop onto him? Was he wrong about Hermes, despite all the experience he had with his own Raichu? She knew she couldn't remain on the electric Pokémon, or she would lose consciousness from a severe electric shock. Even so, she was going to make the fun last as long as she could.

Hermes dashed past many of Shalin's fast Pokémon, causing them to rear in fright. The rider let out a loud whoop with every turn, her gut hurled to one side from the Raichu's tremendous agility. With a sudden turn from the psychic-type, the cowgirl cried out again. She was loving every bit of it... until an even harsher swerve in the opposite direction send her rolling toward Zachary at great speed.

{PC: 6}

NOTE: All of Shalin's Pokémon are present somewhere on the vast Romping Grounds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2024 16:40:04 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



While Dizzy was trying to sneak away from the fawning Ninetails, clearly captivated by his fiery charms-- Shalin was being thrown around by Hermes as he tried to get her off. Zachary winced at the scene, knowing that was NOT how you rode him. Hermes eratic zipping around was like watching a pinball machine on high speed as he zoomed by still at a fast speed-- till eventually Shalin was thrown off. [break][break] She would come rolling across the grass directly in front of Zachary, to which the boy gave a sigh of disapprovement. "Oh, I saw this coming. " he replied with a roll of his eyes, "Seriously, did you think you can just jump on his back? He's levitating on his tail for a reason. Jeez..." Zachary said as Hermes slowly floated back to them. A very displeased and somewhat hurt look was on him as he didn't like being treated like a Tarus or Ponyta. [break][break] As Shalin would recover, Zachary raised a hand and petted Hermes. The electric mouse calmed down as he floated there, offering Zachary to get on. "This is how you do it," Zachary explained. "First, you place a hand on Hermes back like this." Zachary placed his hand on the swell of the Alola Raichu's back, feeling his psychic aura tug him almost like a magnet or current of water. IT was a clear sign of Hermes willingness to let you ride with him. "His psychic aura is like a harness keeping you balanced with him-- and then you step up onto the back of his tail like this." [break][break] Zachary stepped up onto Hermes tail, with his hand still on his back. Hermes gave a pleased shout as he felt Zachary on his tail, with the pokemon keeping his trainer balanced there. Once secured, Hermes took off in a smooth and slow glide around the grass-- showing Shalin how Zachary rode on his tail with him, like a surfer. [break][break] As Zachary soon finished the small lap with Hermes, he hopped off and landed on his feet. [break][break] "Now you. And this time, try not to crush poor Hermes. He's clearly wants to impress you but not at the cost of you PRESSING him." Zachary said, in a small jab at how she kind of squished on the mouse by sitting on top of him. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 h1"]font:800 18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 h2"]font:800 16px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .text b"]font:bold 12px Montserrat;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 2:54:09 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin closely watched the way Zachary mounted Hermes - not like an ordinary Pokémon, but like surfing behind the psychic-type on his levitating tail. "Right, because these Raichu are psychic-types," she answered. "I've got an Espeon and a Wyrdeer that do something similar, where they hold you in place so you don't fall off when riding them." She appreciated the slow speeds the duo went at to show the balance and techniques that she would need to maintain her own footing. She imagined Hermes would allow some freedom of movement while still keeping her harnessed up via psychic power.

At Zachary's cue, Shalin nodded toward him, then the Raichu. "Alright, like this, right?" She reached for where Hermes' back was the largest, letting him support her before climbing onto the yellow tail behind him. "It feels different from any other Pokémon I've been on before." She took a deep breath and steeled herself for one wild ride. "I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, Hermes," she gently pat the Raichu. "Now that I know how the right way... let's ride!"

{PC: 7}

NOTE: All of Shalin's Pokémon are present somewhere on the vast Romping Grounds.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
Electrifying Encounters (Mission-bond bridge)
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 4:01:58 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary showed Shalin the correct way to ride him, and she took up on it quickly. While Hermes floated there, his little arms crossed as if upset-- he soon let it go as Shalin eased him and tried to ask to give him another chance. [break][break] Hermes tried to faint sternness, but was a sucker to the woman's touch as he soon got less tense and let her on once again. Her pat on him made him swoon a bit. Soon then he gestured her to try and wrap her arms around his body-- if she wanted. To hug him like one would on a motorcycle. [break][break] And with that-- Hermes gave a roudy cry and sped off! [break][break] The sheer kick off made a cloud of dust as Hermes zoomed across the field and lake! He was one speedy electric mouse! [break][break] Zachary cleared the air in front of him with his arm and watched as Hermes gave Shalin a speedy ride. [break][break] As he turned, he soon saw Shalin's alola Ninetails swooning over Dizzy-- who was now trying to push the fox away. The adorable one-side crush, it seemed, was not working out well. All the while, Dizzy's face was bright red as the Alola Ninetails gave Dizzy a sweet lick on his cheek. [break][break] Dizzy's whole face went red and fire trailed off his ears, as if steam came out of them. The poor fox sank to the floor, overloaded by the female fox's affections[break][break] "Bwahahahahaha!" Zachary cried, laughing a fit as he saw Dizzy's embarrassed side. "Aww, you two are so cute together!" Zachary laughed, wiping tears from his eyes. [break][break] Dizzy soon was next to Zachary giving him a very, angry and fiery leer of embarassment. Still, Zachary couldn't stop his laughter-- and the Ninetails still persued him. [break][break]

@tag @tag


Bond Bridge May-2024XXX.[break]
XXX [break]

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